The Central Conference Ministerial Association (CCMA) is a regional association of ministers who hold credentials with The Evangelical Covenant Church. Our region is made up of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and the eastern portion of Missouri.


The Central Conference Ministerial Association (CCMA) is a regional association made up of ministers credentialed by The Evangelical Covenant Church who live or serve in the Central Conference: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and the eastern portion of Missouri.

Pastors who hold any form of Covenant ministerial credential and live or serve in the Central Conference, are automatically members of the CCMA.

Pastors in the “Inactive” category, and those who serve on staff at a Covenant church, but do not hold a Covenant credential, are associate members having voice, but no vote.

Covenant Pastors are required to maintain good standing. The elements contributing to good standing are listed here.


District Gatherings

The churches of the Central Conference have been grouped into geographical districts in order to encourage cooperative ministry in a region. This is particularly important for pastors serving in Covenant Churches. Pastors in most districts gather monthly for “clusters” – lunch, fellowship, encouragement, and reflection on pastoral ministry. Some districts gather in different times or ways. All Covenant pastors are encouraged to be an active part of their district gatherings.

Please contact the Central Conference office for more information.

CCMA Annual Meeting

In April of each year, the CCMA Annual Meeting is held on the same weekend and location as the Central Conference Celebration/Annual Meeting. This gathering includes components of Continuing Education, Business Agenda including Leadership and Budget approval, and recommending candidates for Covenant Credentials to the Board of Ordered Ministry of The Evangelical Covenant Church.

CCMA Fall Retreat

In October of each year, the CCMA invites all Central Conference ministers to gather for a retreat, Monday evening through Wednesday morning. The character of these retreats vary, often including Continuing Education, Inspiration, Practical Ministry Skills, etc, but always including rewarding times of Worship, Fellowship, and Holy Communion.

National Gatherings

In January of each year, Covenant ministers are invited to attend the annual Midwinter Conference. The “Midwinter” occurs Monday evening through Friday morning, and includes continuing education, inspiration and networking opportunities.

In June of each year, the Covenant Ministerium (comprised of all those who hold credentials with The Evangelical Covenant Church) come together for their Annual Meeting, held at the same time and location as The Evangelical Covenant Church’s Gather/Denomination Annual Meeting.


Nominating Committee

A Nominating Committee gathers annually to nominate CCMA leadership, both on the Executive Committee and on the Committee on Ministerial Standing.

Committee on Ministerial Standing

The Committee on Ministerial Standing (COMS) serves the CCMA and The Evangelical Covenant Church’s Board of Ordered Ministry, in the process of affirming call, compatibility, and training as candidates move toward any form of Covenant credential. The committee meets for 2-3 days in the fall and spring, reading papers and interviewing candidates. The committee makes recommendations to the CCMA and the Board of Ordered Ministry, based on those papers and interviews.


Crisis Support

The CCMA dedicates a portion of its annual budget to a Minister’s Crisis Fund. These funds, combined with additional funding at Conference and national levels, are available to assist pastors and their families in times of crisis. Contact the Central Conference office for further information.

Covenant Ministerium Facebook Page

The Covenant Ministerium Facebook page is a place of conversation for those holding Covenant credentials.


Your present leadership in the CCMA:

Steve Peterson, Chair
Jay Catanus, Vice Chair
Dawn Lauber, Secretary
Nicole McClurg, Vice Secretary
Mike Mirakian, Treasurer