As a conference, we are united in ministry and committed to work together in shared ministry. We build healthy relationships among our members, churches and institutions through events and effective communications.

The Central Conference Celebration is designed to celebrate the ministries of the Central Conference as well as incorporate the business of the Central Conference Ministerial Association, the Central Conference Annual Meeting and the Harbor Point Ministries Annual Meeting.  Held once a year, this gathering is a convention of delegates, known as the Annual Meeting of the Central Conference, which shall be the highest constituted authority in the Central Conference. Learn more about Celebration.

Throughout the year, workshops are offered to local Covenant churches through the Central Conference and affiliate ministries. These opportunities can be found through Central Conference communication channels.

Our conference stays connected through a variety of communication channels, including:

  • Superintendent’s Letter for the local Covenant church annual meeting. This annual communication is available for download to Covenant churches in the Central Conference and can be included among the reports distributed to members attending this meeting. You can also download the letter from President Tammy Swanson-Draheim.
  • Monthly Central Conference e-newsletter. To sign up, please contact the Central Conference office at or call 773.267.3060.
  • Social Media.
    • Like us on Facebook to be updated on the ministries in the Central Conference.
    • Subscribe to our channel on YouTube.